Governance Committee

The TCL Group recognises that a robust corporate governance system contributes to the overall benefit of the organisation by fostering better performance and facilitating a reduced risk of malfeasance and a lower cost of capital. Based on the guiding principles of fairness, transparency, and accountability, the company strives to maintain a high standard of corporate governance by establishing a comprehensive and efficient framework of policies, procedures, systems, and the promotion of a responsible corporate culture throughout the Group. The TCL Group is committed to adhering to the principles and practices of good corporate governance, and the Governance Committee, a subcommittee of the Board, establishes the foundations for compliance.


Audit And Finance Committee

The Audit and Finance Committee is a subcommittee of the Board charged with responsibility for:

  1. Appointment and ongoing assessment of the external auditors.
  2. Reviewing and advising the Board on the integrity of financial statements.
  3. Oversight of the establishment, implementation, and evaluation of the risk management function.
  4. Ensuring that an effective system of internal control is established and maintained.
  5. Assessing compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
  6. Monitoring and evaluating the internal audit function.
  7. Enhancing the financial strength and shareholder value of the TCL Group by providing guidance and recommendations on issues that have a significant economic impact on the Group.
  8. Enhancing communication and understanding between TCL Group’s management and the Board on financial matters.


Human Resource Committee

To ensure excellence in TCL Group’s human capital and cultural initiatives, the Human Resource Committee’s strategic direction and vision align with the company’s strategic plan. The Human Resource Committee administers the following categories of policies:

  • Talent acquisition
  • Organisation capacity building
  • Performance management
  • Executive development
  • Organisational structure and design
  • Employee wellness


A summary of the terms of reference of the Human Resource Committee follows:

  1. To formulate policies for the TCL Group’s human resource management function and make recommendations to the Board for approval and adoption.
  2. To review, approve and ensure compliance with existing administrative policies, and to recommend to the Board the adoption of proposals for all senior managers and executives across the TCL Group.
  3. To ensure that the TCL Group’s human resource function provides efficient services to all subsidiaries utilising equitable, transparent, and contemporary performance management measures and systems.
  4. To act autonomously and approve on its account, specific human capital initiatives and recommendations that fall within the overall ambit of pre-existing Board-approved policies and systems.


Corporate Governance Policy
TCL By-Laws

Download our TCL By-Laws – PDF 7.4MBapplication-pdf